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The Importance of PR in Film – an Interview with Danielle Freedman, PR Professional

We know how important it is to get yourself out there, and to share your work with people. If nobody sees your work or knows about what you do, then you won’t get very far.

Danielle Freedman of Freedman PR very kindly agreed to do telephone interview about the PR profession and why it’s so important for your film projects.


First of all, what does your role as a PR professional involve?


Getting out there speaking to people, finding out what’s happening, who’s making what, attending screenings and television networking events. It involves all aspects of  promotion. With film, there are three different stages of PR; pre –production, production and post.


In pre-production the PR involves drawing up press releases, getting bios for cast and being aware of photo opportunities from the script.


In the production stage I would actively bring down a TV crew or local journalists to set & industry papers & magazines.


During post, the PR is all about marketing the film at festivals, arranging premiers and screenings.


Why is PR so important?


PR is incredibly important but sadly, it’s not the first thing people think about. It’s usually the last thing on a producer’s mind when making a film.

When all the money has been spent, they think, ooh we need some PR. Or sometimes when they have a star and it’s generating a lot of interest

from the media; the producer may then think about PR.


So, the earlier they budget for PR, the better so they don’t get caught out when it’s essential that they have it to promote the film. It’s vital if they

have a high profile star, as it can generate so much interest. It makes sense to make the most of having a star attached. The sooner a PR professional

is on board, the better as it takes away this role from the producer and lets them get on with the making of the film.


People are so intrigued with films, as they take so long to put together and it’s seen as a very glamorous industry. In this day and age, we have a celebrity driven culture and people want to be associated with celebritism.


How do you develop a PR strategy for your clients?


I’ll start off by asking what their needs are. Experience has taught me that there are various paths to go down.


Film usually has a certain route and it tends to fall into pre-production, production or post-production PR so there may be an element of all stages in their PR campaign or they may choose to focus on one stage.


What are the key factors to build a successful PR campaign?


There are many factors that contribute to building a successful PR campaign. It’s best to promote yourself in as many different areas as possible.


For example, I create press packs to send out in the pre-production stage. This could be combined with a social media strategy, which I would implement from pre-production with the use of Twitter and Facebook. It can be extended to production and post with a Youtube and Vimeo account to showcase trailers and generate interest in the films forthcoming release. In post, I would organise the film to be shown at key UK and International festivals.


These are just elements of how I can promote a project. It really is a full time job and if done correctly, can boost your image and profile dramatically.


What do you do to keep current in the PR industry?


Networking is the key to it all!


What tips can you give to someone wanting to promote their project?


Hire me!


If you need a PR expert for your project, contact Danielle Freedman on 0845 0573639

About goshproductions

Gosh Productions makes promos, web videos, features and shorts.


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